Well, there are only a little over two more months in this year. It seems like this year has just flown by. I graduated from the tech school with 2 diplomas, and I have been working for the adult education program through the tech school since graduation. It has been a temporary job, but I fell in love with it none the less. Today was my last day, or at least it may have been. The lady that was out that I was covering for is coming back Monday, so unless they find another position for me then I will be out looking for another job. I won't know until my supervisor calls me or I go in Monday morning whichever comes first. I am praying for them to find me a position, but it will be up to the Good Lord to make the call. He is in control. I have realized while going through all the things during John's treatment and since his death that no matter how much we think we are in control, or try to convince ourselves that we are in control, we are not. God is in control. We control our actions, and have free will, but he is in control of the results of our actions and the results of other's actions in our lives. I am so comforted to know that He is always there for me, and that if I let him guide me and I follow His laws, in the end I will live with Him in the glory of heaven. I feel sorry for those that haven't learned that yet, and I pray that they will realize it before it is to late.
May He bless you all as He has me!