Sunday, August 17, 2008

I am glad I am not a teen anymore!

Well, I am glad that I am not a teen anymore and that I survived that age to begin with. I don't know what it is with teens in this day and age. It seems that they only think of themselves and not anyone else, even their friends. Some make plans with one friend, then, without letting that friend know, makes plans with another. Not caring if they hurt someones feelings or not. I know that when I was young, my parents made sure that if I had made plans with one, I kept those plans and didn't blow it off for another. It is called being reliable. If you say you will do one thing, that is what you do unless you are sick or something, not just because you found something better to do, or someone else to hang around with. We also made sure not to turn our backs on people trying to talk to us, because that is just rude. We listened and then excused ourselves instead of just turning our backs on anyone, so that we didn't hurt someone. I know how that feels. There has been quite a few times that I would walk up to a group of people and wait to talk to them until they were done with what they were saying and when they got done they just walked off and left me standing there without even acknowledging that I was there. Now I know how that feels, and I try to teach my kids to never treat anyone as if they were not good enough to talk to, but come on people. Where have manners gone? Do people think it is okay to be rude, or hateful? My bible tells me to do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Not do to others before they can hurt you, or do to others what has been done to you. As Christians, it is for us to shine as a light unto the world, which doesn't mean that we are brighter or better than others, but that we treat others as Jesus would. I don't believe he would ever hurt any ones feelings they way I see people do today. Even at church, I see it, in both older people and younger ones. I just pray that I can teach my children better than that, and be strong enough to not do that to others. I know my youngest daughter has said that the reason she hasn't been baptized yet is because of how some baptized christian young people have treated her, and some of the actions she has witnessed from them. I try to tell her that nobody is perfect and that we all make mistakes, but as a christian, we must try to be knowledgeable of how we act and do our best not to act in a way that would make people not want to be a christian. I pray that she decides to get baptized, and become a christian. And I pray that the influence that she has had regarding how young Christians act hasn't caused her to pull away from God. I have been guilty of acting badly before, I am not a saint by no means of the word, I just pray other Christians can see their faults and fix them, before more young people are pushed away.
So, that is just my thoughts for today.
May God bless you all,
and gently break your heart,
so that we all can learn to get along
and love one another the way Jesus would.

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