Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Hello again. Hope all out in blog land are doing okay. It is almost 12 midnight and I can't sleep. Once again, Becky has gotten under my skin and I am having trouble sleeping and keeping from crying. She has decided that she is going to live with her dad again. And she also made me feel like it is all my fault just because I took a firm hand with her and wouldn't let her move back in because of the choices she made about who she befriended, and what she did. She even said that she didn't have a choice, that she had to go live with him because she didn't have anyplace else to go. I just pray that one day she understands that I am just trying to let her live her life and learn how to take care of herself. I can't let someone who has no regards for rules or laws live with my family. I have a younger daughter that doesn't need that kind of influence named B.J. who is on the right track, with school, with God, and with life so far. Anyway, I know God knows what is going on, and I know that he will take care of us if we have faith, and let him into our lives which I have. I just pray that Becky finds the peace and serenity that God can give that nobody else can, and gives herself back to Him.

If you have the time, watch the slide show, there are a couple new pics of B.J. that I took. I love them. The picture in the header of my blog I took as well. If I had the funds for the equipment and for tuition I would seriously consider going to photography school. Oh well, maybe someday. Until then I will just enjoy taking pictures as a hobby. Well, I will close for now.
God Bless and take care,

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Judy, thanks for your comment on my blog and for the add on yahoo! I am sorry to hear about your daughter and am praying she will find her way.

I am in the end stages of a project for the kids of 6A & B and was wondering if I can include John? I am looking for pictures from Vandy... inpatient, in clinic, with nurses, doctors, parents, getting chemo, transplant day, anything Vandy related. I have a special section for the angels as well. If it's ok, can you please email me the pictures to ? I would really appreciate it!!

I look forward to following your blog!