Wednesday, June 18, 2008

It's been a little while

Sorry it has been a while, but I have been a little busy. We are getting B.J. ready for church camp and that takes a lot of time and packing. My parents have gone on a long vacation, and I am driving back and forth to their house and tending to their dog and watering their flowers. And a friend of mine from church had to have a hernia repair, and I am helping to take care of her mother, as well as helping her as much as I can and as much as she will let me. Can you say busy. I love it though. I think very highly of both these ladies, and it is truly an honor to help my sisters in Christ when they need me. So I am not online as much as I usually am, and I am a little more tired than usually as well, so blogging just isn't top of the list right now in importance. I really wouldn't even be awake right now, but my feet are a little swollen and hurting tonight and I am having a little bit of a hard time getting to sleep. I am hoping that they will quit hurting soon, and I will be able to sleep for a while. I will be helping my friends for about 10-14 days, and tending my parents place for another 4 days, so if you don't here from me know I am okay, and that I will get back to blogging when things are a little less busy.

May God bless you all


Traci said...

Don't wear yourself down!

Charisse said...

Wow, you are really busy. Make sure you get some rest. However, you seem to be such a servant and you love it! Good on you my love!
Love Charisse

Charisse said...

Hey Judy,
just stopping by to see if there were any updates. I know you have been busy and said not to worry if there were not updates!
I love you,