Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hello again!

Well, since the last post, B.J. and I went to her Pulmonologist (sp?), and he gave us good news, her asthma is under control with the medicines he has her on, and he has released her to her Primary Doctor, and we don't have to go back to Nashville unless it gets out of control and we have worries. YEAH!!!!!! It was a long day, but with news like that I can handle it. I visited with John's transplant team while we were up there, and visited the nurses on the Myleosuppression (sp?) unit that took care of him as well. They all looked great and a couple of them are now expecting babies! It was good to see them. It did kind of bother me the way they would say,"How are you?" and look at me like they were looking for a crack in my emotions, but they were just concerned I guess with it just being 12 more days until John's one year anniversary of death. Yes, that is hard to type and think about sometimes, but it is the facts and I know in my heart that he is where he is supposed to be. All things happen for a reason, and that is for God to deal with, so I just go on one day at a time. I still have B.J. to finish raising, and my oldest children to be here for emotional support and occasionally financially as well. The tears still come occasionally, but I guess that is to be expected, that is what I am told anyway, but there are also good memories to have and more to make as well. So, all in all, I am doing great! It takes a lot of deep breaths and Bible reading sometimes to get through, as well as prayers and support from friends, but with God, I will be okay. Well, it is about time to start supper, so I guess I had better get off this computer and get the food on!
Until next time may God bless you all,

1 comment:

Charisse said...

Hello Judy,
sorry I have been slack in getting to your blog...and many other people's blogs! I have been pretty consumed in moving and we move in 1 week!
I am glad things are going better for B.J. It must have been difficult to visit John's transplant team and I can understand how you feel when they ask you how you are. Always thinking and praying for you my love...especially with John's anniversary coming up.
Lots of love,