Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bad couple of days.

Hello all, sorry it has been so long since I posted. I started having chills Saturday night, then I started having some pain in my left chest so I went to the local ambulatory care center. My blood pressure was pretty high and they gave me a nitro tablet and since they don't have ex-ray after regular hours they sent me on my first ambulance ride to the hospital that is over in the next county. I spent almost 3 hours there to find out my EKG is normal, blood counts were normal, and urinalysis normal and they thought I have a virus that is causing some pleurisy that is causing the increase in blood pressure and pain in my chest. I don't know what it was, or I should say is since I am still feeling poorly, but I don't like it at all. I really hate being sick and feeling weak and not able to do things without getting really tired and having to sleep every couple hours to get my energy back. That is what I have been doing for the last few days is sleeping. My dearest Charisse, if you are reading this I want you to know that I have a new found respect for your strength. I know from your posts that you have a lot of illnesses that make it hard for you to keep your energy up and all, and I know now more closely how you feel and why sometimes you get anxious about it. I love you and respect you, and pray that you find your health in good standing and it stays that way.

The rest of the family has been great, my husband has been so sweet and taking care of us all. He made soup and has been doing the housework after working all day while I try to get over this bug. He is such a good man, and husband and father. Even though he was tired as all get out last night, when he found out that B.J. needed to go to the store, he took her instead of going to bed like he normally does at that time. He is my hero that is for sure.

Well, I need to try to get some laundry done if my body will let me today.
Take care and God Bless,

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