Saturday, March 1, 2008


Wow, it has been a very busy couple of days since I last posted. I finally got to feeling better, thank God, and yesterday I spent the day helping get ready for our annual Youth Rally at Church. I was helping with the registration and setting up for everyone to register. Our Church has a youth rally every year, and this weekend is the time for it. At last count last night we had about 600 youth and adults, some of which stay in town, and today there are about 3 more congregations who are supposed to be represented with people present. There were about 700 that pre-registered, and if we get even close to that number we will have the highest attendance since starting the event. We feed them 3 meals plus snacks during the 2 day event, so there is plenty for us as a congregation to do. But it is God's work, and I totally enjoyed helping out. This is the first year I have had the pleasure of helping and I hope to help again next year.

B.J. is doing good, she stayed at a friends house last night after the rally, and they were up bright and early I am sure, so that they could go back up and have breakfast and start another day of fellowship, devotionals, and worship. What a great way to spend a weekend. She will be bone tired for sure tonight, and probably a little grouchy, but I can deal with it.

I am babysitting today, and the little guy is a little young for the rally, so I am at home. The Church has a Kids rally for the younger kids in the fall, and if I am still sitting then, I will take him to that one. He will probably really enjoy it.

Well, that is about all for now, I will update again later. Until then, may God bless and keep you all!

1 comment:

Charisse said...

Great...Youth rallies are great...conferences to go and worship and fill your head up with God's grace and love! In 2 weeks I am headed off for the weekend to a place called Victor Habour here in Australia for a Christian Women's Conference and I think it is going to be good. I am opening up my heart for what God wants to do in my life on that weekend...more than ever!
Love you heaps,