Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another day

Hello all, just another day around here. B.J. is at school, and seems to be settling in pretty well. She doesn't like her algebra teacher, but from what I understand, not many people like her as a teacher. I just pray that B.J. doesn't let it get to her to much and keeps her grades up. I told her that as long as she does her best, I am proud of her and it will be okay. She is so smart, I just hope she does well. Her other classes are going okay, she still complains occasionally about her PE class, and her back hurting, but she won't let me take her to the doctor about it. I keep reminding her that the physical therapist told her she needed to keep up her core exercises to keep her core muscles strong and her back wouldn't hurt if she did that, but she is a teen after all and won't listen. She says that PE is enough exercise, she shouldn't have to do the other. I guess all I can do about that is pray for her to get stronger physically, and that the pain will go away.

Becky is doing pretty good. She starts Cosmetology at the technical school the 6Th of September. And she is doing well over at my mom and dads house. It is weird, in one way I am very happy that she is settling in there well, and doing what she needs to do and following the rules, but then again it really frustrates me because when she lived here she had the same rules and conditions as there, but she wouldn't follow them like she is over there. I know part of it must be she is finally growing up, and I am happy about that. But it sometimes make me feel like a failure as a mom, because I couldn't get her to do the same things that my parents are. I don't know, it just confuses me sometimes I guess. But at least I know she is doing well, and that she isn't going without food, and is being taken care of, and that is what matters.

My husband is doing well, just working as usual, and sometimes that is very hard. He works in construction, and since his back surgery back a while ago, it can get him down a little because of pain issues. But God will take care of him too, if he will let him.

I am doing well, just adjusting to B.J. being gone all day. Sometimes I get lonely, but I just keep on keeping on. My phone is my lifeline sometimes, but I try to limit my calls because a lot of my friends are teachers, so they are at work during the day also. But I always have the computer, and I can get lost in games online too. I had a bit of a stomach ache yesterday, and couldn't hardly function, but it seems to have passed and I have already started getting my work done around here today. I need to go and start a load of laundry, so I guess I will close for now.
God Bless,

1 comment:

Charisse said...

Hello Judy,
I do know what you mean when you say you are adjusting to being by yourself all day. I felt that way when my little Isaac started school! It was so weird and I would cry real easily.
I hope that B.J realises how important her exercises are.
I am glad you are over your stomach bug.
Bless ya heaps,
Love Charisse